woensdag 23 april 2008

space doodle 26

This is my first sketches for a character that I am gonna use to make a game with a friend who is a developer. The good stuf about is is that I can get points for school for it.
I want to make a game because it is an nice way to train skills without making it to complicated. Small animations, "simple" characters, story isn't really important for this, it just needs to be fun and look cool.

Anyone hase an idea for enemies?

I did some scribbles for enemies, but I don't see a good bad ass. I like zombies though, maybe I watch too mutch films of george romero...

4 opmerkingen:

CrazyHarmke zei

i vote for evil bunnies ^_^
the evil toaster is a nice idea to...
think about something innocent, cute, stupid and make it evil... i think that works the best.

Mitch Leeuwe zei

Yeah I need something crazy and insane. That compasates for the lack of story, I think ;)

PJS zei

HAHA, I really like the octopus!

and good Betty Boop!

Mitch Leeuwe zei

Yeah me too, but it reminded me of the space octopusses from the simpsons...
And I don't want to have people saying "you got that from the simpsons". That would be annoying.